Because it's Christmas and I think I am going very slightly insane, I now proudly present to my dear readers:
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Beautiful tome wonderfully illustrated by the great Dave McKean (famous for collaborating with Neil Gaiman) and well worth £30
A Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

We got Mr Bunbury's Millionaire Flapjacks, Brownies and Tiffin Mini Bites. All deliciously home-made tasting.
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Vegan caviar made from soy from Caviar 4 Everyone. A laudable venture but sadly no discernable taste.
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Roast Duke of Berkshire pork belly, sweet potato and fenugreek mash with green pepper relish from Anna Hansen at the Modern Pantry (featured in Coco). One of the best things I tasted, with proper crackling and compellingly orange mash.
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Dolada's free range duck egg with A Romani Italian truffle. I'd imagined a lush soft-boiled egg with truffley savings, but there was no truffle or egg flavour: just diabolically rancid, lukewarm, runny mayonnaise, like the Devil's own sputum.
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Pearl's Jun Tanaka doing a fun cookery demo on how to deseed a pomegranate easily - thwack it with a rolling pin
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Gorgeous smoked garlic from the lovely folk at the Garlic Farm - I got an enormous dangling bunch and have been chucking cloves in everything
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

My favourite Richard Haward was there with his ever reliable Mersea native and rock oysters - slurptastic.
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Club Gascon scored a hit with their Foie Gras popcorn - though the baby corn added little in the way of flavour and much in the way of annoyance
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

I absolutely adore umeshu and Choya's honey and regular versions are outstanding. Not so keen on the shiso but it's still interesting.
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Sumosan's Beef Tataki Rolls with asparagus were good, but not so good that you'd endure being abused in the manner that theporkydrunk was - they accused him of not paying when he had just done so, right in front of me.
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

Dolada's sugar-spun fruits looked as tantalising as a fairy's kiss, but at £1 a pop, I was feeling too stingy. That's two whole crowns you know.
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

The lovely Atul Kochhar was loitering in front of his own Benares stand, and I overheard him recommending his Tandoori Lamb Chops and Feta Salad to a visitor. The chops were a bit bland and flabby, to be honest. Sigh.
Lamb chops for a-chomping
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas, my true love gave to me:

I spotted Marianne Lumb, runner-up in MasterChef the Professionals 2009. I contemplated talking to her but then thought better of it, as I'd been a bit rude about her. Also, her Kitchen Knife Skills looked a bit sub-Dorling Kindersley. There I go again.
Masterchefs a-signing
Lamb chops for a-chomping
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Lamb chops for a-chomping
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas my true love gave to me:
Wacky booze for tippling
Masterchefs a-signing
Lamb chops for a-chomping
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Masterchefs a-signing
Lamb chops for a-chomping
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas my true love gave to me:

Club Gascon scored again with their boozey armagnac and prune version of Eton Mess - and one portion was enormous and completely stuffed hubby and me
Gascon Mess for gorging
Wacky booze for tippling
Masterchefs a-signing
Lamb chops for a-chomping
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
Wacky booze for tippling
Masterchefs a-signing
Lamb chops for a-chomping
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy.
At Excel's Taste of Christmas my true love gave to me:

Waitrose was the main sponsor of the event and had their own stand which dished up Venison Mince Pie - allegedly based on a traditional ye olde recipe. The meat was good and rich but too fruity and the chocolate shavings were a step too far.
Mince pie reinventing
Gascon Mess for gorging
Wacky booze for tippling
Masterchefs a-signing
Lamb chops for a-chomping
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy!
Gascon Mess for gorging
Wacky booze for tippling
Masterchefs a-signing
Lamb chops for a-chomping
Sugared fruits a-twirling
Seared beef a-rolling
Umeshu for gulping
Foie gras corn a-popping
Oysters for a-slurping
Garlic bulbs a-smoking
Pomegranate bashing
Pork belly crackling
Caviar a-faking
Mr Bunbury's baking
And a Fat Duck cookbook in a bag-gy!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Taste of Christmas was held at the Excel Centre on 4-6 December 2009
The pork was exceptional, as was the foie gras ;)
The bag is so pretty - here it is properly - Fat Duck Shopping Bag
You have a wonderful Chrimbo/New Year too, Lou xxx
; ) Hope you and yours have a great Christmas!
Merry Chrimbo and Happy New Year to you, Mrs FU and the wee ones xxx
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
Luiz @ The London Foodie
I can see how Taste might have been a bit overhwelming with a hangover :)
Livejournal is basically a blogging/online diary site, but with more emphasis on social networking. While most bloggers write for a wider audience, Livejournal entries tend to be aimed at your ‘friends list’. [People can read friends’ entries on their ‘friends page’ feed thing.] As the content is often quite personal, many people restrict access to their blogs to their ‘friends.’
Of course, what people do with it differs. Some use it as a day to day account, some leave it blank for ages then post great wailing angst-filled rants, some like to post pictures or chat about telly, and some [me] use it as a catch-all for anything that dribbles out of their brain.
Another aspect of LJ is that people can create communities that others can then join. Everyone in the community has posting access. They’re like forums really, but each time someone posts, it also turns up on your friends page/feed. The nature of the commenting system means you can also have extended conversations with people.
I think, if I were to start a general blog today, I would go for Blogger or Wordpress , but I joined LJ years ago when I didn’t really ‘get’ the internet, and have found myself in a community of people who I like a great deal. I definitely wouldn’t move now, although it does mean my blog is perhaps not as accessible to anyone outside the site.
You've probably forgotten you even asked, it was that long ago!
I very much enjoyed this blog entry, by the way. :) Oh, Christmas. I miss you.
I'm beginning to really like LJ too - I still don't think it's as easy to use as other sites but, like you say, the people and the communities are really lovely.
I use it mainly to chat with people who love US telly :p