It was a bad start. Public transport woes got me to Paddington late, and when I went to get £100 out of a cashpoint, it claimed to dispense the cash to me but decidely didn't. I rang up Lloyds to be told I'd have to file an ATM dispute claim - my word against theirs that I'd been given the money.
Ticked off beyond belief, I then flew up the platform only to see the doors to the train I wanted slam shut. I was mildly mollified though that a surprisingly low-key Henry Conway, knitting dandy scion of disgraced MP Derek Conway, and his chums had also been denied entrance so we were all in the same boat.
Talking of boats, that's why I was there, dressed in regulation-length summer frock, slippy-soled kitten-heeled shoes and ridiculous feathery fascinator - to attend the Henley Royal Regatta, what what.
Ryvita (yes, Ryvita) had invited me to a picnic at their Ryvita Crunch Cafe in the Upper Thames Enclosure. It was hosted by the wonderful Fernandez and Leluu who run a legendary supperclub somewhere in London.
Other guests were the London Foodie, the Greedy Diva, Su-Lin from Tamarind and Thyme, Rachael from the Hatcham Supperclub and Laura from Feast on Scraps. A fine company indeed.
So after a fairly epic journey, we all finally made it to Henley.
The rowing and screaming was fun, despite giving me flashbacks from college, but the main event for me was the food (and lashings of Laurent Perrier champagne on tap).
I've never been to a Fernandez and Leluu night, but if they're even half as good as the picnic spread that Simon and Uyen (aka F&L) provided, you can sign me up for life.
Savoury highlights included glorious tuna sashimi and salty-sweet samphire, the biggest mother-loving prawns I've ever clapped eyes on, the fattest, dreamiest oysters, and potato salad so good I wanted to weep.
Sweet treats included berries and Cointreau trifle which made me want to sing, pears poached in champagne which the London Foodie claimed were "better than sex", and some delectable lemony cakes from Violet's Curd.
And of course there was the Ryvita. I have to confess that I quite like Ryvita and have been known to eat it slathered in pate (thus defeating its main purpose somewhat).
Anyway, they've just launched a new range of Ryvita crispbreads with flavours including Cracked Black Pepper, Dark Rye, Seeds and Oats, and my favourite Sweet Onion.
That last one combined with some Donald Russell smoked salmon was A VERY GOOD THING.
In fact, the whole thing was a very good thing. The posh totty was just a bonus (although most of them were in the Mahiki Henley tent downing Treasure Chests, I dare say).
Chin chin.

Ticked off beyond belief, I then flew up the platform only to see the doors to the train I wanted slam shut. I was mildly mollified though that a surprisingly low-key Henry Conway, knitting dandy scion of disgraced MP Derek Conway, and his chums had also been denied entrance so we were all in the same boat.
Talking of boats, that's why I was there, dressed in regulation-length summer frock, slippy-soled kitten-heeled shoes and ridiculous feathery fascinator - to attend the Henley Royal Regatta, what what.
Ryvita (yes, Ryvita) had invited me to a picnic at their Ryvita Crunch Cafe in the Upper Thames Enclosure. It was hosted by the wonderful Fernandez and Leluu who run a legendary supperclub somewhere in London.
Other guests were the London Foodie, the Greedy Diva, Su-Lin from Tamarind and Thyme, Rachael from the Hatcham Supperclub and Laura from Feast on Scraps. A fine company indeed.
So after a fairly epic journey, we all finally made it to Henley.
The rowing and screaming was fun, despite giving me flashbacks from college, but the main event for me was the food (and lashings of Laurent Perrier champagne on tap).
I've never been to a Fernandez and Leluu night, but if they're even half as good as the picnic spread that Simon and Uyen (aka F&L) provided, you can sign me up for life.
Savoury highlights included glorious tuna sashimi and salty-sweet samphire, the biggest mother-loving prawns I've ever clapped eyes on, the fattest, dreamiest oysters, and potato salad so good I wanted to weep.
Sweet treats included berries and Cointreau trifle which made me want to sing, pears poached in champagne which the London Foodie claimed were "better than sex", and some delectable lemony cakes from Violet's Curd.
And of course there was the Ryvita. I have to confess that I quite like Ryvita and have been known to eat it slathered in pate (thus defeating its main purpose somewhat).
Anyway, they've just launched a new range of Ryvita crispbreads with flavours including Cracked Black Pepper, Dark Rye, Seeds and Oats, and my favourite Sweet Onion.
That last one combined with some Donald Russell smoked salmon was A VERY GOOD THING.
In fact, the whole thing was a very good thing. The posh totty was just a bonus (although most of them were in the Mahiki Henley tent downing Treasure Chests, I dare say).
Chin chin.

Thank you to Ryvita, Wild Card, and Fernandez & Leluu for a fantastic day and thank you to the lovely Cornishware makers TG Green who lent us their fab stripey plates
ps Fernandez and Leluu were interviewed today on BBC Radio 4. Listen here.
ps Fernandez and Leluu were interviewed today on BBC Radio 4. Listen here.
Good luck for tomorrow!
Sounds like a lovely day, in the main part, though hope you can get your money back. Would hope that the fault affected others before and after you and that the multiple number of complaints about one machine on one day would persuade them that you're not just trying it on.
Hope you get your money back too. :(
@Kavey - It was lovely thanks ;)
@Su-Lin - Me, fast? Only sometimes :) Yeah, that was decadence - I loved it when the security guard said "Oh, you were the lot with the mental picnic"
@Paul aka Pavel Le Bouche - Dispense report? Ooh, cool, thanks!
@Greedy Diva - The rowers were infrequent - I only just caught one lot :P
@chumbles - Thank you :)
Thank you for such a great post!
Love, Leluu (and Fernandez)
@Fernandez and Leluu - Thank you so much for inviting me - I had a really brilliant time x
@knit nurse - Me, tne new face of Ryvita? Ha, I don't think so :)
Yeah, Ryvita's well good for holding calorific stuff
@Nicisme - It was lovely!
AN UPDATE: Have filed my ATM dispute form - let's see what happens ...
By the way - everyone - Lloyds has refunded my money - thanks again for the concern (^_^)
Simon Fernandez is now full time chef patron at ferdiesfoodlab and employs 8 people on a part-time basis. ferdiesfoodlab (a London supper club) is a social banquet where you can meet new people. It serves international cuisine in the east end of central London at the beautiful listed building Toynbee Hall. You can check it out at