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Kellogg's Responds With Good Grace

knp (4) closeup

A Kellogg's representative

Alarmingly, Kellogg's caught wind of my Richard and Judy style hate campaign against their deviant muesli Nature's Pleasure remarkably quickly.

Their response however was rather astonishing. Here it is in full:

Thank you for bringing this to our attention Meemalee. You've given our entire office a huge laugh today. Very funny stuff.

There were literally tears of laughter from all of us sitting here in our cowboy boots and underpants.

Sometimes you can do nothing but hold your hands up... This would be one of those occasions.

I promise you though, it is safe to try the free samples... with or without a moustache.

Thanks again,

Who'da thunk it? A corporation with a sense of humour, or at least a damn fine press office.

Even more surprisingly, this appeared on Kellogg's official UK Twitter page:

kelloggs (0)

Despite their good humour, I was still unconvinced they wouldn't send a ninja death squad to hunt me down, so I tweeted back the following:

kelloggs (1)

I assume their subsequent reply sought to reassure me, but I still found the pointed use of an ellipsis slightly disconcerting:

kelloggs (2)

Anyway, despite this impressive response, Kellogg's still haven't explained how such an egregious advertising fail managed to slip through the net in the first place.

Some have suggested that this was a cryptic marketing ploy - and perhaps I have played right into their hands by bringing it to light.

However, I find it hard to believe that Kellogg's deliberately released such subtle bawdy images in the hope that someone mad enough (ie me) would notice and publicise it for them.

More to the point, would Kellogg's ever dare to stray so far from their illustrious founder's heartfelt beliefs?

At any rate, I bet Dr Kellogg is spinning in his grave right about now.

Read the original post here


Anonymous said…
what in God's name is Dr Kellogg doing in that machine contraption?!
In the words of Peter Andre: "Insania"
Kavey said…
Good. God.
(And I'm not even a believer)
Anonymous said…
"However, I find it hard to believe that Kellogg's deliberately released such subtle bawdy images in the hope that someone mad enough (ie me) would notice and publicise it for them."

Welcome to the real world.
meemalee said…
@gastrogeek - "fictional but true to life" is what I've heard about the film

@Kavey - innit, though?

@Anonymous - nah, too obscure even for them ...